Choices, Choices, and No Choices seems to be a way of life whether we are in Covid-19 or not. I don't remember a time when I had chosen to just be happy, joyous and free and be done with life's journey. I would prefer to just be laid back, go to a AA meeting, meet sponsee types at the coffee shop, chat endlessly about stuff, go home, watch the news over dinner, make calls and drift off into a blissful sleep knowing I had a good day.
Anyway I did do this many days and now that coffee shops are pretty much closed down we meet on Zoom, chat about sobriety and God, and close the screen. Not as satisfying for sure but better than total isolation. I remain grateful for any contact or interaction at all!
Then there are people (especially elders) whose lives are turned upside down with the closure of Meals on Wheels centers and places like McDonalds where they gather, catch up, get fed, stay cool, stay connected. Many don't know how to Zoom etc. and many have turned to booze to kill the pain of loneliness. Many have connections to their social workers but front line people such as outreach workers are overwhelmed with clients and can't reach out in a timely way.
What a mess we humans have made of our lives by insisting on hanging onto to old ways and ideas. Racism, economic instability, broken justice systems, severe divineness that lead to lack of peace and sanity have taken a toll on us all. Then there is Covid-19 that is bringing all of this and all of us to a state of no choice.
However there is never a time we are at a place of absolutely no choice. There is always a choice available to change our old ways of thinking and doing. We are at at time we are turning toward Choice of inclusiveness, common sense sanity, right thinking, right political action, right emotion, the next humane right thing to do based on spirit, love and light.
Anyway... may all our future choices be the middle path of social justice that leads to that wold peace we are all seeking to live.